The Reformer's Firebrand

*-{The New Canadian Colonist's Advocate }-* A commentary of fiery reformist sentiment from the spirit of it's 210 year old Canadian ghost publisher patron. This will be a home to the new wave of anti-partisan advocacy for defeating Canada's second "family compact" and reinstallation of responsible governance in this 21st century new Canadian democratic dominion.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

"Offensive" is in the Eye of the Beholder

"I published those cartoons to use the maximum freedom allowed..I say to you I published it without reservation …I published it in the most unreasonable manner…whatever offends you, I reserve the right to publish it for whatever offensive reason I want" ( Ezra Levant)

I don't know who could find this "offensive" but obviously sexually, culturally and intellectually retared people do. All I can say is that they better understand that freedom is a two way steet....and grow some thicker skin.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

And Now For Something Completely Different!


Yes, indeed we does! And here is my personal secret recepe for proper Gumby porter pies:

This yields 4-9” pies or 10-5” pies (adjust quantities as needed ¼ =1 - 9” or 3 -5” pies)

500ml Fuller’s porter or a dark bock or a malty stout (malty black beer low on hops)
1lb lean ground beef
1lb ground pork
3-4 cups of finely diced portabellos or a combo of portobello and crimini Mushrooms
2 –3 large cloves of garlic (minced)
2 large red shallots diced chopped
1 medium yellow onion chopped fine
1 or 11/2 large potato (coarse grated)
2 medium Carrots (coarse grated)
4 slices of bacon (diced)
1 cup 10-14% cream
1 Package dry onion soup mix
2 tbsp liquid Bovril ( or ad another half packet onion soup)
11/2-2 tblsp Worcestershire sauce
Hot or piquant paprika to taste (about ¾ tsp)
Couple dashes of hot sauce or pepper to taste
salt to taste
A Pinch or two of celery seed
A pinch or two of marjoram
2 egg whites
3 Tbsp olive oil
1 tsp basil pesto
1-3 tbsp flour ( I use the fine “sauce” flour in the shaker)

4 pie shells and 4 pilsbury pie pastry tops
Scratch Pastry:

(Makes pastry for 1-9” pie crust top and bottom)
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 tablespoons sugar
1 1/4 teaspoons salt
2/3 cup vegetable shortening, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
1/2 cup chilled unsalted butter or margarine
6 tablespoons chilled malty lager
2 teaspoons wine vinegar

1. Blend flour, sugar and salt in processor.
2. Add shortening and butter and chop-mix until mixture resembles coarse meal.
3. Transfer mixture to bowl.
4. Mix 6 tablespoons beer and vinegar in small bowl; pour over flour mixture.
5. Stir with fork until moist clumps form, adding more beer by teaspoonfuls if dough is dry.
6. Gather dough into 2 balls; roll each into disk
7. place one in pie pan reserve other for top crust


1) Prep all the diced and grated ingredients first.
2) Brown the meat in a skillet with a few onions and garlic, drain this meat when browned through a colander and put aside ( save drippings)
3) Put the diced bacon in a fry pan and sweat the grease from it
4) When the pan has some bacon drippings add a bit of the meat drippings as needed to sauté the mushrooms and onion
5) When onion is translucent and mushrooms is getting soft , add the drained meat to the pan
6) Blend meat mushroom and onion with rest of the garlic- add the beer and cream and stir.
7) When this is bubbling add the Bovril, onion soup and let simmer for 5 min
8) Add the grated carrot and potato and remaining spices, mix, then put a lid on the pan and let slow simmer for 15 min adding water (or Beer) if/as needed to keep a 10% liquid content.
9) Adjust seasoning if needed, bring to a rolling simmer and add flour as needed to make the mixture a thick pie-filling consistency.
10) Ladle meat mixture into prepared pastry-lined pans and put top crusts in place.
11) Mix the egg yolk, olive oil and basil pesto in a cup whisk to bend, brush on top crust and score (perforate) top crust
12) Place pies in pans on middle rack of oven at 375 deg.F. for 30-40 min or until top crust is flaky and browned

  • I use a large electric fry-pan for this but any large skillet that can contain the total ingredients and be covered is OK
  • ¼ the ingredient list for 1-9” pie or 3-5” pies and then the pastry recipe will do you without multiplying it
  • The cream is essential…you may balk at putting cream and beer in the same pan put believe me it makes the finished product unique and well worth while.
  • The store-bought pastry is faster, easy to use and tasted just as good. Try to find the Pillsbury refrigerated pie crusts, they are great for this and especially good for making smaller 5” pies because the trims can be rolled and reused to make more crusts Sobeys usually has this in the dairy case next to the Pillsbury croissants.

This malty confection makes the best savoury meat pies I ever tasted…and I don’t like pastry but this is pure ambrosia to the palate and well into the “comfort food” genre. Served with a tall tankard of crafted ale this is a meal fit to savor as Rome burns around you.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Transnationalist Agenda For Global Federation Not A New Concept

"Subdue yourselves to the federation of the world"
( H.G.Wells)

H.G. Wells is probably renown in modern culture as the father of science fiction. “War of the Worlds“, "The Time Machine" and other of his novels were transformed into modern Hollywood horror genre epics. Selectively culled from popular culture info on Wells, is that he authored numerous books and essays which were not of the science fiction genre.They were distinctly social-political in nature and are distinguished from is sci-fi thrillers by the distasteful social Darwinist elitism they convey. The “New World Order“, and the “Open Conspiracy” are two notable pieces of social political commentary that Wells produced.

Wells wrote the first edition of “The Open Conspiracy” in 1928. This book details what Wells called the “Open Conspiracy” among the intellectual and political class elites of the day who despised the old order of things (most notably the sovereign nation state and commoner influence in law and government). He was made privy to their desire to work towards a grand world directorate, a global society in which individuals no longer hold fast to tradition, but yield themselves willingly to the world state for the good of all. This agenda was particularly popular with his contempories like George Bernard Shaw, the Huxleys, Darwins, Wedgewoods and Clement Attlee to name a few in the Fabian society. Wells' "Open Conspiracy" utilizes propaganda, educational and governmental reform, and other forms of influence to advance the goals of its author . The scientific management of the world (martial technocracy) is at the heart of the open conspirators agenda. Of course, this rigid, top down, elitist management of humanity is sold as being for the benefit of all. As in all autocratic schemes it is always the elite controlling class which receive the bulk of the "benefits".

Population control through genetic culturing and eugenics is named by Wells in the Open Conspiracy as a “primary condition” of the world directorate. Wells writes,

“There is a clear hope that, later, directed breeding will come within his [mankind’s] scope, but that goes beyond his present range of practical achievement, and we need not discuss it further here. Suffice it for us here that the world community of our desires, the organized world community conducting and ensuring its own progress, requires a deliberate collective control of population as a primary condition.

We want watchful and understanding guardians and drivers of complex delicate machines, which can be mishandled and brutalized and spoilt all too easily. The less disposed these masters of our machines are to inordinate multiplication, the more room and food in the world for their ampler lives. Even to the lowest level of a fully-mechanicalized civilization it is required that the human element should be select.

A succinct and candid summary of Wells’ idea of a centrally federated global regime can be found in the introduction that he wrote for prominent eugenicist Margaret Sanger in her book “Pivot of Civilization“, written in 1922. Wells speaks with an authoritarian and elitist tone in condemning the world for misusing the “gifts” that the elite have so kindly presented to mankind. He transposes these appalling thoughts to words;

“The New Civilization is saying to the Old now: “We cannot go on making power for you to spend upon international conflict. You must stop waving flags and bandying insults. You must organize the Peace of the World; you must subdue yourselves to the Federation of all mankind. And we cannot go on giving you health, freedom, enlargement, limitless wealth, if all our gifts to you are to be swamped by an indiscriminate torrent of progeny. We want fewer and better children who can be reared up to their full possibilities in unencumbered homes, and we cannot make the social life and the world-peace we are determined to make, with the ill-bred, ill-trained swarms of inferior citizens that you inflict upon us.”

With this one paragraph, Wells succeeds in presenting the full intent of population control: total domination.

So we see the elements expressed by modern transnationalists in the environmental, resource sustainability and global corporatism cliques running the UN NGOs, being expressed by the archetype Tranzies in Wells' era. Those being: central planning and control of populations, economies, resources...everything, including the population, becomes the communal property of the global state under fiefdom of a central governing elite. There is no room for individualism, democracy or commoner input into the policy making mechanisms of this "federation".

Almost 100 years after Wells and the Fabian and Rhodes round table transnationalists, we see their ideals entrenched in a modern Tranzi "stonehenge"...which is in reality a tombstone for individual rights, personal and national independence and the nation state that protects these out moded machinations of the "old order".

Carved in stone it reads:

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature.

9 in 10 people will have to vanish from the earth to bring about this transnational "Utopia".