The Reformer's Firebrand

*-{The New Canadian Colonist's Advocate }-* A commentary of fiery reformist sentiment from the spirit of it's 210 year old Canadian ghost publisher patron. This will be a home to the new wave of anti-partisan advocacy for defeating Canada's second "family compact" and reinstallation of responsible governance in this 21st century new Canadian democratic dominion.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

A matter of Priorities

This writer has been on sabbatical for the last couple of months doing research for a political book project. In that time the more viral elements of the Leviathan state have remained quite busy undermining democracy, society, culture and morality.

They never sleep and they never disappoint.

In light of this reality this blog will take a slight change of direction and start tracking the machinations of what we consider the criminal nature of large, unaccountable, ethically challenged government/bureaucracy and its special interest clients and homogeneous corporate organs...collectively refered to here as "the Leviathan" or "Leviathan state" . Also, in the spirit of HL Mencken, we will also be commenting on the obscene contrasts between the "entitlements", actions and lifestyles of the stilted minions of the leviathan state and those they leave to the captive plebeian citzenry who must keep and feed this gluttonous diabolical travesty.

Main Entry: le·vi·a·than
Pronunciation: li-'vI-&-th&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin, from Hebrew liwyAthAn1 a often capitalized :

a : sea monster defeated by Yahweh in various scriptural accounts
b : a large sea animal2 capitalized : the political state; especially : a totalitarian state having a vast bureaucracy
3 : something large or formidable

Today's crime from Laviathan comes to me as a comparative realization revealed through 2 media; the papers and the mail.


I scanned the headlines in a number of GTA based papers today and the big buzz is about the province's private/public utility "Hydro one" and an ex executive who resigned under a cloud of disgrace from mismanagement and credid card fraud under his watch, was awarded a 3 million dollar severence package for his crimes. It's obvious that the public utility is so rife with nepotism/cronyism/partisnism and criminal breech of public trust, that it would embarass McGuinty to fight this crook in the courts to stop him from further robbing the public.

So in essence Leviathan is free spending with the money it extrots from us when one of it's own turns rogue or criminal....hush money to keep poor management and criminal breech in public service out of the public eye....the Caledonia tab of 40 million is a similar expence to bury criminal breech of trust by leviathan.


At the same time, the sound bites on the public utility $3M scandl was bleating from my radio, I was opening my Dad's mail and doing his business for him ( He's a 94, he's deaf, has Altzheimer's and lives on 3 small pensions , so I must assume power of attorney and do his business for him). I open one of the pension cheques and there is a self promoting blub from the Provincial minister of pensions crowing about how things are running so well in the Ontrario government that they can afford to give my pensioned Father a whole $3.50 cost of living increase on his pention...this added to the COL increase from the CPP gives a grand total of $7.80 COL increases in his pensions. Is the bitter unjust irony of this wasted on you?


We see the morbid priorities in how Leviathan rewards criminal actions and disasterous job perfomance amoung its own and how it rewards a life time of hard work, faithful job perfomace and a life time of following a moral compas in the citizenry...$3.3 million for corruption in Leviathan's ranks....$3.50 for the public pledge.

Nothing better illustrates the reward gap between common citizenry and moral behaviour and the deeply compromised political pandering of the political aristocracy in the Leviathan state.

Nothing better illustrates the
Bizzaro world the leviathan state has created....a world where corruption and crime in public service is rewarded with public funds and life time of faithful service to the law and the state are rewarded with crumbs, insults and broken public institutions.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to see you back Bill.

I agree of course with what you posted. I am 68 years old, have never applied for nor accepted a government grant, welfare of even UI since beginning working about 52 years ago. But of course government resent the fact that I did it all myself. They told me so. A number of years ago when I applied to put some of my art into a juried show I was refused because, if you can believe this, they had no record of me. I had never contacted them for a grant. I was not in their database. And I had already sold over 800 paintings, bought/built several houses and raised three children over a 34 year marriage.

I say to hell with them. When you live outside the Matrix they won't lift a finger to do anything for you. I have accepted the fact that our government in no way cares about me or my family's welfare.

Your dad is lucky to have you. I know several people who don't even know where their dad or mother lives anymore. They don't care.

Incidentally, Google and Blogger have my account screwed up. I can't sign in for some reason but I know they have my name in their records because when I attempted to set up another account using my email address they said it already existed. I'll comment anonymously and sign my name to the comment.

Good luck with your blog. Give 'em hell.

John Crittenden

December 14, 2006 at 3:47 PM  
Blogger W.L. Mackenzie Redux said...

John said: "I say to hell with them. When you live outside the Matrix they won't lift a finger to do anything for you. I have accepted the fact that our government in no way cares about me or my family's welfare."

WLM: "living outside this matrix" is something most people only dream about John....most won't take the risk because true freedom is too venturous for them and has no guarantees of the warm stable the leviathan gives its slaves for their patronage...most people stay connected to leviathan's control grid because they falsely believe there is some security in the so called "entitlements" Leviathan promises them in old age or if bad times come...the social safety net is as fraudulent as the promise of Leviathan's socialist utopia...the reality is it steals and restricts most of your own productivity which SHOULD be your security.

December 14, 2006 at 4:50 PM  

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