The Reformer's Firebrand

*-{The New Canadian Colonist's Advocate }-* A commentary of fiery reformist sentiment from the spirit of it's 210 year old Canadian ghost publisher patron. This will be a home to the new wave of anti-partisan advocacy for defeating Canada's second "family compact" and reinstallation of responsible governance in this 21st century new Canadian democratic dominion.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

A second Patriotic Conflict of Interest.

I was greeted with another incident of conflicted patriotic interests when I read this in the AM. Then this ( hey no worries that it's a token effort, who rides subways anyway?? Just the poor and carless ...not politicians or anyone who counts right?)

After years of post 9/11 nightly doses of Mother Corpse (CBC) and the Asper blab feed (Glowball/Canwest) nattering on ad infinitum about how Canada is basically safe and the chances of a terror attack here are remote and yadda yadda yadda ( add all the typical lib-left denial and duplicity regarding hard facts of the global Juhadi terror war and our lame national security and Trudeaupia's contemptuous inability to cope with either),.. I got to wondering.

Would having a terror attack on our soil, and adding the lives of a few score Canadians to the over 4000 innocent souls this new pervasive global political madness ( terror as a political/theocratic statement), shock lethargic Canadian lemmings and the lib-left into the stark reality? Would a domestic terror tradgedy convince those in denial that we ( western culture) are at war with a mediaeval theocratic warrior cult who want to kill us for just being who we are and they will succeed or die trying?.....then I shook my head and remembered how slow Canadians are to give up the utopian myths their media and leaders spin to comfort them....We are the world's morally superior nation...we are universally loved for it, how can Muslims attack a nation with dyslexic multi-cult and open door immigration?.... anyone who challenges this dream scape is either an evil Steven Harper tory or an evil American.

click those heals together 3 times, me wee sheepies and repeat:

Canada has no enemies.... the world loves us because we're so morally correct..... magic utopian pixie dust keeps us all safe and sound here in happy valley.

Canada has no enemies.... the world loves us because we're so morally correct..... magic utopian pixie dust keeps us all safe and sound here in happy valley.

Canada has no enemies.... the world loves us because we're so morally correct..... magic utopian pixie dust keeps us all safe and sound here in happy valley.

Canada has no enemies.... the world loves us because we're so morally correct..... magic utopian pixie dust keeps us all safe and sound here in happy valley.

Canada has no enemies.... the world loves us because we're so morally correct..... magic utopian pixie dust keeps us all safe and sound here in happy infinitum.

This is a great mantra to be chanting as the Jihadi bombs tear your lower extremities away, it will keep your mind off realities and your demise will be quik and painless.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure this mantra will be adopted by the Liberals at the next federal election. It will go down a treat in the GTA.

You really shouldn't encourage them, you know.

July 14, 2005 at 9:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Canadians don't have to worry. First and foremost, the terrorists have perfect cover here, for now.
We support the defense of an admitted Al Queda supporter and terrorist with our tax dollars and Hollywood is going it one further by offering payment for the story to be made into a movie.
This western society is in for a ruder awakening because 9/11 was not sufficient to wake us up.
Canadians need not worry for another reason: If and/or when we are attacked, those neighbours to the South who are so reviled by our citizenry on a daily basis will be the first to come to our aid.
It is a pathetic situation. Canada is like the spoiled child of an over-indulgent parent, who knows it can behave terribly and still be forgiven when the chips are down.

July 14, 2005 at 1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snowbunnie is absolutly right. I confess, I am not a Canadian, but
there must be many Canadians who are really distressed by this state of affairs.

I believe the day will come when the Liberals will be held accountable for their disraceful stewardship of a wonderful country and the joy that will be felt across the land will be well worth the wait.

July 14, 2005 at 3:27 PM  
Blogger W.L. Mackenzie Redux said...

If AQ attacks my nation I am at war...we all are because AQ makes war against civilians, not military or political targets….makes no difference what our eunuch governors fail to do to keep us secure, we are at war…all of us. I am on alert now, but if they attack my fellow citizens and my nation, I am at war. AQ run a covert civilian based can we. Muslim moderates and loyal Canadians of Muslim extraction; identify yourselves now. The coming culture storm will be a decades long replay of Jewish Passover except it is their cousins in Islam who will be effected this time…. mark your door ways so you will be spared the wrath of a host culture defending against your demented countrymen.

The Christian Church reformed itself from its fundamentalist-theocratic dogma and leadership in the middle ages. Islam is long over due for a is the time for a Muslim "Martin Luther" to come forward and offer a moderate reformed church and lead his people to cast out the radicals, fundamentalists and rabid militants....just as the Christian reformers did when they broke with Rome's theocratic/militant tyranny in the middle era, BTW, when Mohammed's church was just in it's infancy.

July 15, 2005 at 6:57 AM  

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