The Reformer's Firebrand

*-{The New Canadian Colonist's Advocate }-* A commentary of fiery reformist sentiment from the spirit of it's 210 year old Canadian ghost publisher patron. This will be a home to the new wave of anti-partisan advocacy for defeating Canada's second "family compact" and reinstallation of responsible governance in this 21st century new Canadian democratic dominion.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Taking a bullet for the 4th Reich

Looks like it's finally sinking through to some of the more civil western Judicial and legal minds that so called anti terror laws that suspend habias corpus, judicial warrant and expand police power may be worse cures than the disease they were meant to fight.

If Mr Blair's proposed terror legislation was unamended, said Anthony Scrivener QC, "Britain would be a significant step closer to a police state".

Lord Carlile, a deputy High Court judge, warned against the whittling away of historic civil liberties. "We have to be acute about protecting what is taken for granted as inalienable rights. In the United States the Patriot Act included a system whereby a witness to a terrorist incident can be detained for up to a year. This is in the land of the free."

"If the Prime Minister and other members of the Government continue to threaten to undermine the Human Rights Act and interfere with judicial independence we shall have to secure our basic human rights and freedoms with a written constitution,"

Sounds like a deal to me M' Lord....If the Brits see this curse of panicy statism ( which plagues the western democracies of late), to be too toxic for their unwritten civil liberies and the need for codified rights, we in Canada with our pathetic charter have no hope of stemming statist truncation of individual rights. Canada has had its charrter of rights gutted by several pieces of liberal "Panic" statute that were passed with the same scare tactics as the terrorism and gun laws....maybe we need a real written constitution as well....and a true democratic republic too, while were at it.


Blogger ABFreedom said...

You and I both know that will never happen under a LIEberal/NDP government. It's even questionable under the CPC's.

Did you bag that deer yet?

October 16, 2005 at 7:23 PM  
Blogger Candace said...

I'm not sure, but it sounds like you think that Blair bringing in legislation to STOP the liberal judges from stopping deportation of those supporting jihad against Britons is a bad thing? How so? Is he not just trying to un-do SonS previous laws and/or interpretations?

October 17, 2005 at 12:22 AM  
Blogger W.L. Mackenzie Redux said...

ABFreedom said...
You and I both know that will never happen under a LIEberal/NDP government. It's even questionable under the CPC's."

...No but it will under a free and independent Alberta...the fact that the current corrupt, authoratrain federal system, including the charter, is unchangable provides the motivation for independence to acheive real freedom.

ABFreedom said...
Did you bag that deer yet?

...Yeah a little 3 point freezer buck big in the body. Passed up some nicer throphy class bucks because their necks were al swolen out from rut...meat always tasts off when you take a rutting animal. Missed my Antelope...not due to lack of animals but the fact I only spent 1 day at it. Gearing up for Pheasants and huns the next couple of weeks. Have a new pup to break on the birds.

October 17, 2005 at 7:35 AM  
Blogger W.L. Mackenzie Redux said...

Candace said...
I'm not sure, but it sounds like you think that Blair bringing in legislation to STOP the liberal judges from stopping deportation of those supporting jihad against Britons is a bad thing? How so? Is he not just trying to un-do SonS previous laws and/or interpretations?"

No. I want to see these terrorist types dealt with....but I'm not going to sacrifice civl rights and legal liberty to do so. There is Sooooo much in the anti-terror bils of Canada, US and now Britain which is oure police state over kill that, you really have to have your head up to stop them from turning the nation into an armed camp under martial law and a quasi police state which is engaged in so mythic multi decade war.

What is gained by suspending Habias corpus? or warrantless search? or arbitrary detention on suspicion? These are legal rights we've had for over 800 spilled blood to get this justice from the rule of law....should we give this away becuae govenments panic and over react to a national threat?

I say no. ANY arrest in my nation must have a reason that will stand up to a judicial hearing. Every arrest must have provable charges. Every investigatyion must be form a complaint or a bench warrant....every one charged with an offense must have the right to council and a fair arbitrary arrests and incarcerations without charges...this is a police state tyranny...this is what was in the patriot act and our Terrorist bill and in the British bill.

Now I will agree with you that some of the "judges" complaining are on the pink side but that does not change the nature of the issue ...which is that Blair's bill will breech British civil rights that have existed in law without codification form the Magan Carta to date....his case isn't dire enough to breech civil rights. This is not a left right issue...this is a freedom versus despotism issue.

If western governments want to act as despotical towards civil liberty and freedom as the fundamentalist loons they are against, what has been gained? Who can claim moral high ground in a battle to subjugate a free society...hell the terrorists don't have to, our politicians are doing their work for them.

October 17, 2005 at 7:52 AM  
Blogger W.L. Mackenzie Redux said...

Candice: I forgot to mention...the Brits do not have a written constitution with a codified bill of rights to rely on. British civil rights are entrenched in 800 years of court judgements (precedent). They recently had this so called human rights act passed which essentially codifies for Britons what Americans and other free republics have written in a bill of rights....but this is only statute law and can be changed by any government any time,,,,all a British citizen has to respect his civil rights is the judiciary who respect the civil precedent of the past 800 yrs.

Now maybe you can understand why the British judiciary is much different from our and American systems. We have codified rights entrenched in constitutions and British civil/individual rights re "unwritten" and depends on an independent judiciary.

Maybe you can see how they get so nervous when they see a PM write laws that encroach or breech "unwitten" civil liberties.

October 17, 2005 at 8:02 AM  

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